The parking site at Jen's is tricky to get into. You have to stop on a busy road, back in with about a 90 degree turn and then navigate a ways down a narrow driveway before angling off into the woods where we've cleared out a spot to set up. I had just stopped and started to back up when a car came -- so I pulled ahead to let him pass. I then started the tough process when Mary's voice was replaced by a guy's, who gave me pretty detailed instructions. "Got a boulder here, pull ahead and cut it more. No, the other way." He guided me down and into the spot and it turned out, it was the guy who had passed in the car. When I thanked him and complimented him on staying in view in my mirrors and giving great directions, he told me that he had worked for carnivals for years and backed up all sorts of trucks. He saved my bacon -- I'd probably still be there fighting with the stonewall and the oak trees.
The visit was wonderful. Got a lot of work done but also had time with our grandson and just hung out some with the family. The weather was very sunny and warm but the oak trees blocked nearly all the solar rays where the Airstream was situated. I had to monitor electrical usage closely but was able to run the overhead fan to cool things off at night.
We've pretty much decided to forget trying to camp at campgrounds during the summer -- too crowded and too much hassle. For example, the big state park at Salisbury, where we stayed last October, is completely filled every day until Labor Day. We'll wait until then for Vermont parks as well. In the meantime, it's nice to use the 'Stream as a bedroom for family visits -- both here and away. Here we are back home.